Beer Search

BrewPalace Summary
# Beers 3668
# Bottles and Cans 4262
# Bottles 4242
# Cans 20
# Bottles and Cans this Year 1
# Projected Bottles and Cans 3
# Companies 1070
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.94
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Beer Myths and Truths

American Beer is Weak
Many people new to good beer (meaning real imports and craft brews) always ask me if American beer is lower in alcohol than other countries. The answer is "no way". Check out the following analysis performed by a BrewPalace peon on the subject. Note that the USA and Canada are 3rd and 4th in the world, behind Belgium and France. Where is Germany? 9th. People believe this for two reasons.
  1. Traditional American Beers (like Bud & Miller) are perceived as weak because they are light in color.
  2. Up until very recently, Americans always documented the Alcohol Pct. As Alcohol By Weight (ABW), while the rest of the world uses Alcohol By Volume (ABV). The ABV number will always be higher. Thus, people were comparing apples and oranges.
Amstel Light, Corona and Heineken are good because they are imported
Look, these beers are mass produced using the same cheap techniques that Miller, Bud and Coors have been using for years. These beers taste roughly the same as their weak American counterparts, and a lot worse than other beers from their native lands. People frequently relate cost to quality. For the most part I agree. However, the additional price for these is twofold:
  1. Increased shipping costs
  2. An excellent marketing department. Their higher price demands a high image.
The marketing point is the real kicker. Check out the last taste test which demonstrates its power.
Dark beer is strong
Mostly True
Many dark beers are strong. Many golden beers are weak. For the most part, this is true, but many of the more popular dark beers are not very strong at all. Guinness is only 4.27% ABV, while the BrewPalace's Minister of Beer Statistics tells us that the average alcohol PCT in the collection is 5.66%, meaning that Guinness is only 75% as strong as the average!

Many stouts are actually kind of light in alcohol. Other styles of dark beer, such as Trappist Dubbels, Barley Wines, and Bocks are much higher than average. Duvel, a golden colored beer, checks in at 8.5% ABV! Check out the Alcohol Pcts for each beer Type in the BrewPalace here.
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