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# Beers 3668
# Bottles and Cans 4262
# Bottles 4242
# Cans 20
# Bottles and Cans this Year 1
# Projected Bottles and Cans 3
# Companies 1070
# Countries 79
Avg. Alcohol 6.94
Avg. Rating 3.27

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Welcome to the message board for Heineken Lager. Enter any comments, experiences or opinions you wish about the beer.
Note: The opinions represented here are not those of the BrewPalace staff - they are of its patrons!

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Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
10/15/2002 2:47:29 PM  Mike    The review is right on with this beer. Heineken is the best marketed shitty beer in the world. Everything from its ad campaign to the friggin' can make it seem more appealing, yet the stuff just doesn't taste that good. 
1/31/2005 1:17:26 AM  stoneyzinc  808state  HEINEKEN LOVAHZ OVA HEA!!! Aloha from the beautiful island of O'ahu. Here in Honolulu Heineken Beer has been favored by many. From the refreshing looks of the green bottle sitting in ice to a smooth, hypnotic, and satisfying taste of an imported beer. It is one of a kine beer. There is no other beer that HEINEKEN can be replaced with. Malama Pono, StOnEyZiNc 
4/12/2006 6:47:44 PM  SuperStar  Oahu, Hawaii  Another Oahu Resident wanting to put my 2 cents in about this beer. I think it sucks..and taste nasty. The person who wrote the above comment is right alot of people in Hawaii like it, BUT.. there mostly the Local boys and Girls that have not been educated on taste. There more worried about getting fucked up then what a beer tastes like. Furthermore... not all of us locals speak the way he/she did. Seriously, do any of you around the world know what "OVA HEA" or "KINE" means. So embarassing when locals speak that way.. and more when they type it. 
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