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Company: Aguila
Brand: Cerveza-Aguila
Type: Pilsner
Rating 2
Alcohol %: 0.0%
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Latest Sample Date: 6/2/2001
Appearance: Light golden.
Tasting Impressions:
Light. Dry. Very hoppy and bitter. Thin. Mildly cardboardy. A little creamy. It has a real bad 1st taste, but gets a little better as it goes along. Dry aftertaste.


Message Board:

Date Visitor From Comments (No Links Allowed)
8/23/2006 5:19:04 PM  Jose  Cartagena Colombia  My chica thinks that "light" is good for her. Please keep up the good work!  
5/9/2007 4:24:28 PM  Ricardo  Bucaramanga (Colombia)  For anybody in the mind of ever ever atemping to drink Aguila, PLEASE DONT ! IT SUCKS!!! and i can say it with all property as i'm from where it is done, Colombia. Please, i even make myself the promise of never drinking anything from Grupo empresarial Bavaria here in colombia. I'd rather drink import beer. 
10/15/2007 1:58:48 AM  Manny  Canada  32 of these bottles of Aguila are evaporated every minute in Colombia. Mostly along the Coastal region of the Atlantic and the city of Barranquilla where it is brewed. Group Bavaria has since been swallowed by SabMiller Plc for 4.5 Billions US. Cerveza Aguila demands an acquired taste, and a seasoned Aguila drinker remains quite loyal to the brand .Time will tell what the new owners see in the future of this brand in making it available internationally. 
1/12/2008 9:25:09 AM  Alois  Germany  Although I don't find this Pilsner beer quite as good as much better brands from Germany, this is still one of the best beers I have tasted during my trip from Colombia to Argentina. Grupo empresarial Bavaria makes the best beers out of any major beer producers in South America. I think costena by the same company is even better. 
8/28/2008 11:10:31 AM  Juan P.  United States  I love Cerveza Aguila but I can only drink some when I'm in Colombia....when are you guys going to start importing some to California, U.S.A Keep up the great work!!! Viva Colombia 
1/1/2009 7:49:11 PM  Ana   Sydney   This is for Ricardo in Bucaramanga: The fact that you don't like the beer doesn't mean everybody else is going to hate it. Maybe it's you the one who doesn't have good taste! And what a shame that some like you is colombian, we actually do not need people like you... you shouldnt disencourage people to try it!!! And if you prefer imported beer... why don't you go and live somewhere else.... you will realise that when you are not close to home you will miss to death little thing like drinking a freaking Aguila (even if you don't like it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) 
1/20/2009 3:40:32 AM  G. Amger  CANADA  Come on guys....I have heard of wine snobs but you are doing the same for beer. I just returned from Columbia and enjoyed this Pilsener beer so much that I am checking it out on the net. Aguila was great. In Canada we have some tasty beers and ales and I wish Aguila was one of them. Now if you made this comment about Corona I could go along with you. What other beer do you know of that you have to mask the taste with lime....gag. 
12/1/2009 7:37:01 PM  shelbar  canada  whenever I travel I like to try the local beer. When we got to Cartagena we were on a bus tour and every time we stopped one fellow would buy two Aguila, by the third or fourth time I thought I had better try this beer. What a pleasant surprise Aguila is one of the smoothest and nicest tasting beers that I have tried in a long time. If anyone knows where or how to get it in Canada please let me and everyone else know 
12/14/2011 5:32:22 PM  Andres Calle  Canada  Enjoying one of the six Aguilas I brought home to Canada in my suitcase. This is an extremely good light beer, and it is easily the best in Colombia. TRUST ME, I am no beer newcomer..... Poker and Costena were decent too, but Aguila takes the cake. Going to try and find out if I can order it up here for sure. Club Colombia Roja is also good if you're looking for something heavier. The closest analogue I may go for here if I can't find Aguila, is Tecate of Mexico, which is also an excellent beer! Up here, I am a drinker of Moosehead. 
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